At Auckland Stadiums, we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy watching their favourite sport, artist or event live. Over the past few years, we have worked with Be Accessible to improve the experience we provide to every fan.

Current ratings

Go Media Stadium has achieved a Bronze accessibility rating from Be Accessible.

North Harbour Stadium has achieved a Bronze accessibility rating from Be Accessible.

Please check the FAQs to find out what we offer at our stadiums. If you would like to discuss any special access requirements you, a member of your family or a friend may have, please email

Mobility access

All of our stadiums can all be accessed by wheelchairs via service roads within the stadium, lifts and or ramps. For those with reduced mobility, we can offer assistance to move around our venues via either a helping hand or by transport on an electric buggy. Please contact volunteer or security staff on the day and request help with transportation around the venue. 

Both North Harbour Stadium and Go Media Stadium have purpose-built accessibility spaces for fans to enjoy concerts or live sport. Companion seats are available for those booking accessibility spaces.

Our people are here to help you to make your event experience seamless, so please reach out to us if you have any questions the FAQs can't answer.

Mobility patron services

For each major event across our stadiums, we provide a team of volunteers and stadium staff to assist mobility impaired patrons to get to where they need to go.

Our mobility team are equipped with golf buggies, wheelchairs or just a steady arm to help you navigate the stadium.

Mobility volunteers will be stationed at the gates and easily identifiable in blue or pink high vis vests. They will discuss your exit plan with you for the end of the night and will return to assist again if required. Please do not hesitate to approach our friendly volunteers if you need assistance.

Walking aids such as crutches, knee scooters and walking frames are permitted however our team may ask to stow your item once you have reached your seat to ensure it does not obstruct aisles or emergency exits.

For our ticketed events, we offer a limited amount of mobility parking for those who hold a current mobility permit. This parking is extremely limited therefore strictly reserved for permit holders. Please check the event listing on our website for more information on how to access mobility parking at our venues.

For events at Go Media Stadium, Gates A, B & C are all mobility friendly. Gate B is set up as the primary mobility gate due to its proximity to the mobility carpark. 

There are two mobility gates at North Harbour Stadium, Gate A and Gate H. Gate A and Gate H are both located near large carparks.

The mobility gate at Western Springs Stadium changes per event but is typically located on Stadium Road.

For any specific concerns about an event, check the event map or contact us directly with your questions and we will be happy to help.

For each event, we have dedicated bays and areas which are accessible for wheelchairs and a caregiver/companion. Accessible tickets are purchased via the ticketing provider for each event. Please check the event listing on our website to confirm the best way to buy mobility tickets.